Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hernia watch!

So I carried in a double armload of things from the car Saturday evening after my daughter Molly's cheer competition. After all, a mom--who's had nothing to do except sit all day waiting for the three-minute thrill of watching her daughter's team compete in the National Cheerleader Association's National Competition--wouldn't want to make two trips from the car to the house, duplicating the 20 paces!

As I walked up the steps, I felt some power go out of me, similar to the time the critically ill woman touched the edge of Jesus's garment as He wandered through the crowds. After I entered the house, I dropped my complete load of bags, jackets, blankets, snacks and water bottles and doubled over in pain.

After anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers did their thing, I felt somewhat human again and slept through the night. Morning brought more pain that I've managed to fight through and live with until I can get in to see my favorite doc, R. Bellinger. We've scheduled tea for Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, so I have only to wince, grimmace, and otherwise annoy various family members--particularly my dh Bret who insists I should be able to drop everything and rest until my appointment.

Meanwhile, my mind wanders to various reasons for my pain. Maybe I swallowed a marble. Maybe I have an alien inside me trying to get out. Maybe--in spite of a vasectomy (his) PLUS an endometrial ablasion (mine)--God has managed another miracle of conception. Maybe I pulled a muscle doing my 1,000 sit-ups a day. Oh, ouch! It really hurts to laugh.

Here's to all you Real Moms out there who overdo--just like I do! I'll keep you posted on my Hernia Watch.

1 comment:

Cathy Messecar said...

OUCH! And you haven't whined once to The Word Quilters, just sweetly allowing Brenda to be bathed in all the sympathy for her pulled muscle.

I'll keep your "whatever" ailment in prayer.